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Date Range Picker

The date range picker let the user select a range of dates.

Basic usage

Note that you can pass almost any prop from DatePicker.

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Static mode

It's possible to render any picker inline. This will enable building custom popover/modal containers.

November 2022
December 2022
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The date range picker component is designed to be optimized for the device it runs on.

  • The MobileDateRangePicker component works best for touch devices and small screens.
  • The DesktopDateRangePicker component works best for mouse devices and large screens.

By default, the DateRangePicker component renders the desktop version if the media query @media (pointer: fine) matches. This can be customized with the desktopModeMediaQuery prop.

There are certain caveats when testing pickers, please refer to this section for more information.


Form props

The date range picker component can be disabled or read-only.



You can find the documentation in the Validation page

Different number of months

Note that the calendars prop only works in desktop mode.

1 calendar


2 calendars


3 calendars


Custom input component

You can customize the rendered input with the renderInput prop. For DateRangePicker it takes 2 parameters – for start and end input respectively. If you need to render custom inputs make sure to spread ref and inputProps correctly to the input components.


Customized day rendering

The displayed days are customizable with the Day component slot. You can take advantage of the internal DateRangePickerDay component.

November 2022
December 2022
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🚧 Pre-defined range shortcuts

Range shortcuts allows your users to select a commonly-used range in one click (eg: last week, last month, …)

🚧 Month range Picker

Month range picker allows setting date ranges by picking months only.